I do not have much time to write but I wanted to share two things that I am currently enjoying. (1) is a book called The Echo Maker. The reviews on Amazon are so-so but I am really enthralled with this one. It is one of the many I have received the past two Christmas' that I have not had a chance. desire. need. to read until lately. It is very good - not the best ever but very good. Received some National Book Award though I often find I wonder who the hell decides these awards because why this book and not Kite Flyer or Stones from The River but I digress. Different strokes for different folks.
(2) I totally bought this new CD. I say this because I rarely buy CDs any more. I have little time. interest. desire to learn about new artists and really rather stick to Dave and older stuff I already have. Okay, I will be honest, I am cheap. I hate spending the money. I won't ever download or buy an IPod (does that make me old and really crotchety? Probably and I don't give a damn at the moment...) At any rate, I have heard the buzz about this singer named Amy Winehouse and I became somewhat obessed with hearing her new CD. I heard it was good and once again can I be honest - I have no STRONG women singers in my life since Alanis and Sarah sort of lost it for me. SO I bought the Amy Winehouse CD today on impulse at Target (because what purchase at Target is not an impulse buy you ask?!) and she is FREAKIN' awesome. Like way better then I could have hoped. She is sexy and strong and pretty in a funky sort of way. If you are looking for something like that in your life I highly recommend checking out Amy who is way cooler then Angry Alanis and Sappy Sarah any day.
These are my two deepest thoughts right now... how freakin' pathetic. Maybe I should go drink another beer and come back down here to write ;)
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