Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The most successful shoe in history: Chuck Taylors

Speaking of spending too much money on my child...

I finally bought these for Matthew and I am SO FREAKIN' excited for them to arrive!

Matthew is going to SO cool in Hoosierland with these! I might have to rent Hoosiers when these arrive so he can see what a cool cat he really is! And here are some fun facts about these shoes. Did you know that Charles "Chuck" Taylor was born in rural Brown County?!

AND it was really hard to decide on the traditional ones - I really wanted to get him ones with flames or skulls but I thought that might be a bit much for a two year old!

Next up - RAIN GEAR!!! OMG, I want to go to London to purchase these puzzle wellies... Too cute! I am on the hunt so if you know of a good place to buy some nice wellies (rain boots to us Yanks) and a rain coat in town or on the internet - please oh please pass them along to me!


jennifer said...

Nana got Liam some at Target with fire trucks on them for a real good price...

Christina Schmidt said...

Yeah you are back?! Where have you been!?!??

I will look into that... Our Target is always really picked over - one the disadvantages of living in a small college town. Not a super Target either... So sad :(

jennifer said...

Well, I'm back out again cause some of us (coughcough) are going to Deer Creek tomorrow you slack ass.

Christina Schmidt said...

I would love to go... :( No tickets... no more time. SO sad especially considering there is no telling how much longer Verizon will be around...