Friday, September 28, 2007

Puppy Dog Tails and Everything Nice!

Another one has arrived - a little boy named Cameron to Melissa and Jason! Hooray! He is very cute and I so cannot wait to meet him! CONGRATS!!

There are more to come... Did I mentioned Sundry is having a boy too!??! OMG boys every where! I was trying to think of the other person I know who told me they are having a boy but it has been a LONG ass day so I am sure it will come to me...
Hmm, well the reason I am SO tired - we had our THIRD retreat this year. Stab me in the EYE now. It was long and boring but at least it was not as long and boring as the last retreat. I am hopeful with a capital H that we do not have one for our fourth quarter. Fingers crossed (oh I will pretend to contract some vicious disease that will not allow me to attend...) I thought I would include some new-ish photos of Matthew to tide everyone over the weekend!
Working heavy machinery! He needs to pay his way through college some how! Okay so whatever it is SO not real - just about the best display at Children's Museum Matthew has ever seen! Go Winnipeg Children's Museum!

Hmm, not sure why I had the camera in hand nor why I thought to take a photo but it cracks me up none the less... Perhaps because he is browsing through the Florida state AAA travel guide...

It's a dinosaur?! No... It's Matthew hatching from a dinosaur egg - as if it were only so easy!

Matthew and I at the wedding reception - hmm, I still have not decided if I look any good but Matthew sure was cute...

...If only he did not hold is blanket in EVERY photo because he has the cutest Dump truck sweater on Gymboree. Sign. He's still cute :)

Awww. We really waited too long to take photos... I will share more when the in-laws arrive NEXT WEEK (I just clawed my eyes out with my thumb nails...) More on that later. For now happy weekend to all and all a good night!


jennifer said...

GIRL! You're face looks so skinny! And you look fabulous, btw :)

Does Matthew say "dump truck" properly or does it sound like "dumb *uck"? :)

Chris Cactus said...

Awesome shots!! Looks like you guys are having a great time with the whole parenthood thing!

Christina Schmidt said...

Jennifer - Thank you for the compliment. I am trying to get on board with eating well and exercise - likely I will lose the 10 lbs and find out I am pregnant the next day! LOL!

Rude Cactus - Thanks! Hmm, after this weekend I feel like parenthood might just be my end! Seriously though parenting really is the best and it is all making us better people, you know?!

Tess said...

Oh, that potty picture. You will be glad to show that around someday! LIKE ON HIS WEDDING VIDEO. Mwahahaha.

Christina Schmidt said...

Tessie: Yeah no joke! I have quite a few of those!!! Poor kid!