Monday, September 17, 2007

A Summary

We are back from our week LONG Canadian "holiday". All went well really. The plane rides with Matthew are actually a lot of fun these days. Matthew was a trooper to the 10th degree, if that is possible. I think it is the fact that we ply him with junk food and juice. He calls the stewardess, the "juice lady"! We had three hours to kill in Minneapolis which was not as bad as it might sound because I had all the Caribou coffee!

Once in Canada we froze our asses off... Yeah, it was cold. 30s at night/morning and 50s during the day. It was misery to go from sandals and shorts to full winter gear for Matthew. He does not like socks... or jackets... or pants... Okay really clothes are a pain the ass! Each time we ate out, the 1st thing Matthew did was take his shoes AND socks off. Nothing like some toddler feet to get your meal started!

Kevin & I had some time to go out on our own sans Matthew which was great. Grandma and Grandpa were happy as larks to see their grandson. Of course, no one mentioned to me that Grandma has a scheduled biopsy on Thursday. Ummm, yeah (not to be too snarky - I do hope the biopsy does not show anything seriously wrong.)

I was probably ready to get back to my own home around Friday. Matthew slept on his cot in our room with us. He did well the first few days but I think Matthew had also had it by Friday. In his defense, we did leave him with his grandparents a lot, in a strange house, in a strange land without any of his usual stuff. Friday night, we went out with some friends & I came home early. I was pooped but as usual could not sleep so I finally made myself go to sleep at 11:00p Kevin came in around 1:00a and around 2:00a my son woke up... for the day. Yeah, I said 2:00a It was hell. I made Kevin get up with me at 5:00a finally because I was starting to see double. By that time, I just gave up and found some odd Canadian children's TV and fell asleep (Kevin basically got up, came downstairs and fell back to sleep after I woke him up...) for about 2 more hours. Needless to say Saturday sucked mildly...

We had to get up, visit with Great Oma, get home & dressed for the wedding, sit through the wedding, go home & wait four HOURS for the reception and attending the reception. It was not as bad as it could have been which I can only assume this means I am used to sleep deprivation - oh hip hip hooray for me.

Also, we do not drink. much. Kevin & I decided to have some drinks a few nights and holy cow I now know why I do not drink any longer. I mostly had wine but Kevin drank beer. Canadian beer is different from American beer. Stronger and far more potent. Yeah, we paid the price for drinking at all (and I am not talking copious drinking - like a glass or two of wine or 2-3 beers...) Needless to say, I do not plan to drink anything for a long long time. It is like hell on earth to feel yucky from a few glasses of wine with 2 yr old...

It is also in the 80s here so I am back to flip flops and capris and Matthew is much easier to dress (or undress for that matter!) I dread winter but we did buy some kick ass Roots winter gear for Matthew!

I must say that what I am learning more and more is that I am always glad to be home, in my own home & bed. I like that my house has our stuff and our lives contained within it and as my colleague said a few weeks back, your home is always better after you have been away from it. Plus our house still has that new house smell which is pretty nifty!


Tess said...

Well, this sounds better than our trip, if not completely refreshing.

Caribou! Yay! Too bad I was busy wrangling the beast to partake!

Christina Schmidt said...

I SO miss Caribou. I worked at one in Detroit and I miss the sort of twitchy feeling I used to get after opening the store at 5:00a and my fifth cup of coffee. That stuff is best!

I think travel with the little ones does get easier but we also have traveled A LOT with the little guy so we are sort of old hats at it if you will (Can you imagine 16 hours in a car NURSING with a 4 month old all the way to Winnipeg?!)

jennifer said...

I see no mention of Tim's!!! ;)

Glad Canada went well though, I know how it can be with the ILs!

Christina Schmidt said...

Oh yeah! We visited Tim's every chance we could! Had numerous Timbits too. OH I could write a entry about those... Of course, Tim Horton's is like Starbucks in the states - one on every corner!