I really hate Nancy Grace yet I sit and watch her as I lie awake late into the night - seriously look at that link, look at her - EKK, she frightens me just for the picture! I do not know why. She annoys me and if she were my attorney I would throttle her. I do however really like the cheesy repetitive Showbiz Tonight that is on just after Nancy - AJ's kinda cute in that gossipy male sort of way. Why do I watch these two shows obsessively? The same reason I LOVED watching those epic Poker game shows on ESPN during my 1st pregnancy - they are mindless. As an aside, I cannot stand those Poker games now...
I am STILL obsessed with maternity clothing- the buying of and baby names - the finding of. I am so obsessed with maternity clothes that I am like a deer in headlights. I just cannot commit to stuff I like or want based on price or style. I finally bought some stuff from Motherhood Maternity THREE weeks ago that has yet to arrive. Apparently the system is not right over there and they sent the same package TWICE to our old address even though I entered a new address. When I called to say I did not receive the 1st package they gave me a new order number and expedited the package. The customer service rep never asked me about the correct address that time. The girl who now lives in my old house must either be pregnant or is saving that stuff for when she is pregnant. Weird! SO supposedly I am finally going to get that stuff, this week maybe?
Baby names. Oy, where in the hell do I start? I know all the links, I have (supposedly) the best baby name book on the market but again deer in the headlights. And Kevin and I just have not found the **RIGHT** name. It will come to me. If you look, it will come. So I obsess. Everything is fair game - movie credits, magazine, web sites, books, bill boards. Okay not much on the last one!
Epic headaches suck my rump as does the fact that I still cannot breath without wheezing, I hork up an incredible amount of "stuff" each morning from the sinus region and I am just too lazy to get to a doctor because I likely have a sinus infection. GAH.
Must hire cleaning service NOW. Plans to call this week are looking slim but this will happen. I can no longer keep up, too tired and dang it I deserve it.
We need a lap top. I am on Mission Operation Laptop. Must have a lap top. I dream of the lap top we will have and dude it will happen, dammit! Kevin wants one too but like all things we are BOTH like deer in headlights on these things. Eventually we will find one we like. Look if I had a lap top I might actually answer email in a timely manner - that has to be worth something to someone - it does to me. I hate that I am terrible at that and I truly dislike the phone which makes communication with humans who live near & far a little, ah, difficult.
I need to NEED to workout today. It has been a week and a half since the last actual workout. I was doing SO well. It has been a week and a half of peanut butter cookies and tubs of ice cream. And lots of CHEESE, oh salty yummy cheese and sourdough bread. Mmmm... love.
Gotta love random Tuesday mornings... my coffee sucked so I am little off. I did have a yummy fatty bagel slathered with more cream cheese then I wish to admit so that makes up for the shitty coffee. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....
I can't stand Nancy Grace either. I would watch Bill O'Reilly before I would watch her... and I REALLY don't like Bill O.
I did the movie credits, literary characters and looking through the phone book things when trying to come up with a name for my youngest. I came across Cabot for a boy, which I loved, but Homer not so much.
Oh I have been known to watch Bill too. It is like a train wreck I think. I just cannot take my eyes of it! Weird :)
Hmm, phone book, eh?!
I did the movie credits thing when I was pregnant with Cam. Be careful about getting a laptop...we spend entirely too much time on our laptops in the evenings. It always starts innocently enough with just checking our email or the weather quickly and then 2 hours later we're still reading blogs or other various stuff. Also, get a Mac if you buy a laptop. Love our Mac!
Just do the cleaning service! It's awesome! I'm already sad that it's another week until ours comes again!
Melissa~ I will do the cleaning service. I must. I will seriously lose my mind if I do not...
I have heard that about Macs. The thing is we want to link our desktop to our laptop so we have to connected computers and I am not sure we can do that with a mac and a regular old Dell PC. BUT I will tell Kevin you guys love your Macs. He will asked questions I can assure you ;)
I have an irrational hatred of Nancy Grace. CANNOT STAND HER.
Pfffwww at least it is not just me hating on Nancy... yet I still watch her. There must be something to that!
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