SOOOOO... my husband likes to take THESE kinds of photos - that's hot
This is the 1st wipe out Matthew had at the patch - see, there I am diligently wiping his hands. I should have waited until the 4-5th time as it turns out. I like this shot because it shows the patch and the length of the field that I sent him running down (hence the 4-5, or was it 6 times he fell... BTW I mention this like I do not care but really he did not care. He just got up and kept going so I guess I was less worried about these tumbles than I normally would be had he fallen and stay got up bloody and crying every time.)
Liam has that same shirt ;)
That was a b-day gift! We love that shirt! I am hoping it is big enough that he will get two years out of it but at the rate this kiddo is growing, it's not going to happen!
Great pictures! When will he be carving his pumpkin?!
Hmm, if it is anything like last year Kevin and I will up carving them late at night right before Halloween! Ha, no hopefully this weekend or maybe Monday night. We will see... photos to follow?
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