Saturday: Beautiful Brown County October 2007 ~ Our favorite overlook

Matthew and I hiking down the path (not shown: a LARGE coffee in hand OF COURSE...)

Pooped Matthew after the exhilirating morning hike (hey thank goodness it wasn't be hauling the 35+ lb kid UP the trail ;)

That was SOME serious PB&J

And now for a milk mustache... or the tired Got Milk? thing

I love this photo - I just like the action and his little face underneath...

Sunday: At the Apple Orchard

A boy and his 40 cent a pound pumpkins!

I've got a secret to tell you little girl!

Sheer pleasure with Scoop along for the adventure...
I love those one of you on the trail. And his hair is the most gorgeous color!
Lucky little dude did get the best hair color out there - as some random woman once said to us - 'you know little guy women around the world pay lots of money for hair that color!' That is always what I think... here's hoping it never changes!
Also, there are about 20 of those path ones - that one my ass looks the least large ;) Gotta love that my husband loves me...
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