So it may have "seemed" that I was in a bit of a dire state yesterday... I suppose I was but I fling all that back onto PMS - damn thee. I am feeling better today. And also I realized I need to sleep more but that wicked evil element called the television is completely sucking the life out of me right now!! I am really into this new show called Life. I love it and therefore it will likely get pulled off the air before the season ends or else the season will end and it will not get renewed (see also Joan of Arcadia and Pirate Master, ARG...) Really the only thing Life has going for it - it is not on the dreaded CBS - which seems to like to pull shows rapidly each season for no apparent reason and replace the shows with reruns of 48 Hours Mystery - CBS is like the Ford of the television world! I have to tell you why I like Life because likely not many people are watching this show... It is a mystery (which I love) wrapped up in silliness wrapped up in a good crime plot and, Crews, the main character, is kind of hot in some odd sort of way I have yet to explain.
I am also really into Kid Nation. I was so NOT going to watch it just because but I am drawn to this show like a fly to... eh, you get the picture. I cannot help but watch. There are truly cool kids on the show and also some annoying ones. LAWDY LAWD, help me to raise my child to be like the excellent kids, and not to be like Taylor... Ah, I guess there had to be Taylor in every crowd though, no? Hmm, maybe I was the Taylor of the crowd... Moving on...
Matthew has hit a proverbial stage or two. He is 2. He is struggling in large degree with how to share. From my understanding, this stage can last a LONG old time so I better get used to it and figure out some ways to deal with it and teach my lovely child how to share somewhere in there. I will take suggestions and likely I will try anything, thank you very much!
Also, Matthew is really into babies. Apparently, he told Kelly that he has a baby sister at home. Look people I do not make this stuff up and NO there is no hidden baby at home. Last night he asked for his baby doll whom he has had no interest in for weeks. He said the baby needed his hat and than asked ME why? I said so the baby's head is warm and that Matthew wore a hat when he was wee tot. That made his eyes light up and the smile was as wide as the Mississippi! He wrapped the baby up and called him Cameron. I said 'oh this is baby Cameron?' and he said 'yes'. He asked me to hold baby Cameron and then pointed out his toes and hands and how to rub his tummy gently. At 1st, before this event, I just thought he was jealous of the babies and perhaps the changes these babies might bring to his life but than it dawned on me slowly 'cause I am SLOW... that perhaps he is just a tad jealous of the fact that his friends have baby brothers/sisters - as in real baby brothers and sisters - and he does not... Sadly, I cannot change the course of this situation so we will just keep talking to him about the baby thang and hope for the best. Hopefully this stage will pass. quickly...
Finally, I have to admit that I am not a Comedy Central fan but Stephen Colbert sort of intrigues me... I was vaguely aware of Colbert's talk of running for president but this just made me chuckle. I suppose I think I giggle because if the system (bureaucrazy as I like to call it...) has run a muck (and in my mind it has...), than I am glad that someone is doing his due diligence to prove that it has run a muck all while making it into a three ring circus at the same time. Thank you Mr. Colbert.
I sort of fizzled out on Kid Nation but there's no doubt that Taylor kid is a piece of work. Yikes.
I love Stephen Colbert.
Yeah Kid Nation... I was really NOT going to watch this show but I was sucked in the past few weeks. I am just amazed and glad that kids are on the whole good kids and there is hope, right?
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