Saturday, December 1, 2007

Holiday madness

Picking out holiday cards officially sucks...

Especially when my head is pounding and has been for 24 hours (or maybe that is 48 - quite possibly this headache has been around since the first holiday decorations went up back in August... sigh) and I am so tired I want to fall over...

Shopping today felt like I was the ONLY salmon swimming upstream while the rest of the world was coasting calmly down - oh yeah I was gonna die once I got upstream (stupid flippin' headache.)

I want to wail (okay fine whine) WHY OH WHY DID I WAIT TO DO THIS SHIT? I HATE YOU...

(but hey my house is decorated and looking very festive!)
Happy Holidays to you!


Kelly said...

Your house looks great! But I have to ask...who do all the stockings belong to? ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice decor! I'm going to guess that at least two of the stockings belong to Lucy and Santana! Our dogs used to have stockings...

K and J's mom said...

Very cute house! I have been doing mine in stages...I should have it all just as I want it, ummm, by December 22nd. :)

Christina Schmidt said...

Santana and Lucy do have two (in fact one is shaped like a doggie bone... yeah Santana USED to totally be our baby...) though I have to admit that the past two years their stockings have been very err ah slim...

Also, we have an extra stocking because our boss gave it to me when I started working here and I never knew what to do with it SO we bought an extra stocking hanger to "balance things out"...

Tess said...

Everything looks great! Our dogs have one of those annoying barking Scooby-Doo stockings and that totally ruins the Norman Rockweller scene.

Christina Schmidt said...

yeah I think I bought Santana's on clearance and Lucy got a hand me down: Kevin's TOO SMALL (whiny boy) stocking. And of course the one I did not know what to do with - well she surely could not have that ONE...

As an aside, I bought a new holiday CD with Jingle Bells on it - I did not check to see who was singing it and I inadvertently bought the one with the "Singing dogs". Lovely addition to the holiday music...

Jen said...

Wow! Your house looks like a page out of Better Homes and Gardens with your decorations up. I'm jealous- I have yet to get out Christmas decorations out of the attic. I better get on it!

Oh- and our doggies have stockings too!