Not to out do the photos from the previous post but I thought I should mention that ah, my darling sweet does so much for me husband turned 31 yesterday (as in Sunday.) I did not forget it was his birthday per say - it just go stuck in between the trip to Seattle, my utter exhaustion over traveling to the point of sleeping or half sleeping through every activity this past week and M getting sick. Weeee... Yes, that was me at Kroger buying cards and party supplies at 8:30pm on Saturday night. At least I remembered to order the ice cream cake from Bruster's Saturday morning. Okay already so the poor guy had no presents. They will come, I hope. I love you honey for many years to come!
Blowing out the candles!
Umm, not the best shot of K but yum look at that cake!
M waiting patiently for Daddy to get off the phone and blow candles.
M also thanked his Daddy for sharing his "birthday" with him - M means cake but has always called it "birthday" for no known reason!
You cannot feel to badly for the guy, this arrived at our work today. That is the NEW laptop and gear to link to the desktop downstairs!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
Happy Birthday, Kevin!
Happy Belated birthday, Kevin! Sorry we didn't know about it sooner...we could've celebrated a little with you Monday night! Love the 2nd pic of Kevin...he looks just like Matthew!!!
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