Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hey, Did you know I am ah... HAVING A BABY!??!

What a day it is out there today! It is sun-shiny and full of hope. I like that about today.

I voted for the 1st time in a primary (not the first time ever mind you - I just have never voted in a primary, ever.) It will be interesting to see the results this evening and my gawd please end the commercials. I do not remember this many commercials since Prop 13 in CA years ago!

We bought Matthew a big boy bike over the weekend! We returned it for the even bigger boy bike last evening. He is IN LOVE with his new bike and beamed proudly over it. "Mommy come see my new big boy bike that we bought at the big store, Wal-mart." Kevin & I had to fight laughing at this statement. He nearly took his first header off the bike on short walk last evening but thanks to Daddy's quick hands he did not. Thank goodness for helmets and also how did we survive without them?!?! I will post a photo as soon as I find some charged rechargeable batteries for the camera.

Massive contractions have been rocking my world the past two days. Say what you will about these supposed Braxton Hicks contractions - these feel like full blown I cannot breath, move or even moan for fear the pain will not go away contractions. Yesterday for a full hour I had them. SO much fun! I ate some Reese's Peanut Butter cups to make me feel better ;) Also some Oreo ice cream. Mostly it was just yummy to eat that stuff & did not help with the pain. This is a new experience for me. With Matthew I never had any contractions until I was induced basically. OMG and they were exhausting to top it off - like I was not tired to begin with! OY.

Kevin said to me "...in eleven weeks when the baby comes..." I think I threw up a little in my mouth. No no Pancake is not due until the END of July that is... I started to count on my fingers, struggled to get up, waddled over to the calendar & finally turned around, very pale. HOLY CRAP. A BABY in 11 weeks! ACK. Okay not really. I mean I am nervous for life to change but mostly I am excited. We have the "nursery" ready for the most part. A few little touches need to be added. We do still need a few key items but those will come. What we need the most is a new monitor and I still have yet to buy any slings like I had planned to do.

I have been enjoying the quiet time I have with Matthew while it lasts - reading books, playing with his train & Bob the builder stuff and "mowing the yard". I am infinitely glad for this time with him. I am loving the weather right now too. I know - come July just ask me what I think about the sunshine & heat! For the most part, I am ready. I feel like this pregnancy has gone by in a whirl. I know it is not like I am going to give birth tomorrow but wow it is getting down to the home stretch. AND that is really cool!

PS: Matthew will have his 3 yr check up tomorrow. What is that you say? Oh why yes his birthday was on April 19th and I was a semi responsible parent and scheduled the appointment for three days after his birthday TWO months before the birthday but then they canceled the appointment, like that doctor needs a vacation or something!??! And the earliest I could him in was May 7 so look forward to an exciting update on Matthew's stats tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Gosh. 11 weeks does make it sound really soon! EEK! So exciting!

Thank you for the reminder to schedule Lily's 3 year checkup!

Christina Schmidt said...

I am amazed I remember to do the 3yr appt in advance and was proud that it was only scheduled for 3 days after his actual birthday. Then the dreaded call of death from Dr. F's office staff. Oh well.

Yeah, 11 weeks does make it sound close I like July-ish better. That makes it seem like I have more time!

LoriD said...

I still haven't scheduled Maggie's 2-year checkup. Her birthday was October 29th. I'm on the bad parent plan with my doctor.

K and J's mom said...

LOL laughing at LORID's comment. So funny! and thanks for the reminder Christina! I need to schedule K's 3 year as well as her 9 month eye follow up at Riley! Oh! And holy crap your baby will be here soon! Which means, my "baby" turns THREE soon...sigh.

Jen said...

11 weeks?!! How exciting!!! Post pics of the nursery soon- I would love to see it!