I fell asleep last night at 20 minutes after 8. Even at my most exhausted moments, I do not fall sleep early. I just keep dragging myself from thing to thing that needs to be done. Last night, it just was not going to happen. It was like the 1st trimester all over again. I just laid my head on the pillows and was clicking between NCIS and American Idol and the next thing I knew I was greeted by people being berated on Hell's Kitchen and the bright dining room light shining in my eyes. It was 9:45p. I got up, stumbled to the kitchen, got a glass of water and got ready for bed. Kevin said Matthew was asking for me until after 9:00pm.
My son. Does anyone have any answer any longer about how to get a three year old to go to sleep in a timely manner??? We start his "bed time routine" about 7:15-7:30p every evening and seriously it is a hellish procedure from then until around 9:00-9:30p every night. We are convinced that the only reason he finally goes to sleep is that he is OMG actually tired and has just passed out.
He drives us batty through the process. He does not just play quietly in his room before going to sleep. No, no. He yells and cries. Whimpers and moans. He is a mad man. It is like bed time brings out the beastly beast in my son. For three years, we have been dealing with this and in ten-ish weeks or so, this process will seem even worse. I will not have the energy for a bit and my time will be taken up with - er - other things like providing nourishment to a newborn.
I have come to think of Matthew as one of those kids that is a bit of night owl BUT he is also a morning person. OMG, he is my dad...
Nothing works with him. We tried renaming bed time nap time because naps are such a breeze. You put him down for a nap and he kisses you sweetly and bang he is out. WHY OH WHY CAN THIS NOT BE OUR BED TIME ROUTINE? Not that I would want the nap thing to change to get his bed time down but still...
Really it comes down to feeling like a failure in this department. I was a huge wimp with him as a little guy. We gave into his whims because we wanted to hang with him. At one point when he was much younger he was staying up until 10-10:30p just because we did not say 'no'. We finally realized what a monster we were creating and OMG we were flipping tired it was mostly too late. I am grateful he goes in his room at around 8:30p & does not come out but even that makes me feel tired. I want to rest, decompress from work and life, watch the latest bad reality TV shows and maybe even go to sleep on time.
Random rant, I know but man I feel for Kevin who will have to take on this monstrous task in few short weeks because there will no longer be two sets of hands to deal with it.
On an unrelated note, we still have not come up with a baby name. We sort of think we know the middle name but only if it ends up going with the first name. Someone told me that the hospital will allow us to go three weeks without naming our baby. Do you think it will come to that???
I don't know what your bedtimre routine is but maybe the bedtime routine itself is the problem? If he goes down easily for naps with little 'routine' maybe try adopting that approach for night time. The whole bed time routine thing works well for Lily but maybe Matthew would prefer a quicker, less structured thing? With L we read three books, sing three songs and then put her in bed and turn on her music. We don't usually start this process unti closer to 7:45 most nights. So, maybe try a different routine and see if that helps...though you've probably already tried a number of routines!
Maybe you just need to start later? My older two have a bedtime of 8:00 and that works for them. If I try to put the youngest down at 8:00 it's a battle of tears and screams and complaints. It's exhausting for everyone. If I put her down at 9:00, she goes willingly. Either way, she goes to sleep at 9:00, so I've stopped fighting for an earlier time. I completely understand your need to unwind and decompress at the end of the day, but you might be more relaxed without the bedtime struggle.
I wish I had some decent advice for you and bedtime routines, but we'e had the same one for almost 2 years and I DO NOT MESS WITH IT because it works. LOL. The only thing that throws a cog in, is the daylight savings crap, and now that it's still light out at 8 pm, her bedtime has moved a little from 7:30 to around 8.
I know what you mean about needing that time, though. I NEED my evening hours for me.
Hmmm...I think I'd mix up the routine too. Maybe he needs to physically wear himself out before bed? Maybe after supper should be his rough/tumble time, rather than before? Or vice versa? Maybe the night routine is just too long or stimulating? I know for K, it has to be short and easy or else she just gets overtired or wound back up, and then, well...it gets hairy! Just pick something different and stick with it for awhile. It's so hard at the end of the day! Don't kids know that parents are EXHAUSTED by 8 pm and hello? We don't get 2 hour naps! Hope it gets better soon!!!!
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