Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Intestinal Fortitude

I am grateful every day for the lives we have. I listened last evening as I prepared dinner to the reports coming from rural China about the destruction from the earthquake there. I could hear my son and husband giggling and chattering outside. Last week I watched the news reports of the destruction from the cyclone that they are suggesting killed over 100,000 people in a country where the government has hardly accepted any aid from the outside world. There are people sitting on hill tops surrounded by water waiting for help that the government seems to be denying. I watched my son happily enjoy his grilled chicken, potatoes and corn on the cob, that impish smile crossing his face as he told stories and jokes. Many of the dead are children. I cannot imagine my life without my son, my husband, my home so I am grateful today, and every day, for all that we have.

I cannot seem to kick this stomach flu or intestinal thing. I feel rotten at the moment but I cannot take any more time off of work. I need to stay put and work. This intestinal issue is taking a lot out of me as one can imagine and it seems to ebb and flow so just when I think HA I am feeling better bam I am sitting back in the bathroom wishing I could curl up into a ball shape on the floor. I have not been sick this much in all three years since having M and being introduced to "childhood" illnesses. I just want to be well from here on out until the baby comes. I want to get back to my workout routine and enjoying my time fully with M & K. I want to go back to sleeping half way decently.

I have to say I am glad that the weather has remained cool and crisp. I even welcome the rain. I know that the swelling will come soon enough as things heat up so I am just enjoying this time between the swelling.

I am perplexed. I thought I planned pretty well clothing wise but I am finding that shirts & pants I thought would fit the entire pregnancy are "coming up short". I am planning to buy some yoga type pants from Old Navy this week because they sound so comfy and my work place is very casual so I can get away with them. I also can wear them post pregnancy when I want to be comfy. I was going to buy some more shirts online but decided to just go to Target and get whatever they have. AND I need new bras STAT. I was fine with those until this week but things to be running over to say the least.

Baby Pancake is kicking right now. That rocks! I am looking forward to welcoming her into our lives!

This morning, as I sat with M before turning on his show of choice on we chatted. Mostly it is me talking and M sucking his thumb listening but I enjoy this time. The blinds have all been opened letting in that early morning light with no lights or TV. It is still peaceful and he is mellow. Some times we snuggle and other times he will actually chat with me. Most of time we just sit quietly.

I know these moments will not go away entirely once Pancake arrives but the time I have will be divided differently for a bit between nursing and tending to a newborn. I am trying to enjoy each moment I get with M now. I do not think those moments will go away but they will be different in a few months. I cherish the sound of his feet tromping about as I get ready for work and his giggle as he runs to give me a flower. I know things will change in the coming months in a good way but for now I am enjoying how our lives are today.


AndreAnna said...

Ughm sorry you're sick. I HATE being sick.

I have Old Navy Yoga pants and wear them a lot. Problem is they fall down easy because my belly is so big and I have no hips or ass. They are comfortable though!

Christina Schmidt said...

I have a pair from Old Navy that have a draw sting which helps to keep them up sort of... but they are getting nasty looking! I was checking out the ON maternity ones though - I suppose I should clarify that... I have a pair of Gap yoga capris I had from the 1st pregnancy and I wore those 24/7 the first six weeks of Matthew's life.