Thursday, July 3, 2008

Soon To Be 37 Weeks

The check in appointment this week was standard operating stuff. My BP was normal, the baby's heart is swoosh-beating away and I guess I was measuring fine since no one said anything about this. I had the Beta Strep swab. I am trying to stay positive and think negative (on the test that is!)

I was supposed to see the 3rd doc in the practice but he had the day off (why schedule the appointment with him on this day??) Not that I care, I get to go back to Liz from here on out thank goodness. She is so much more communicative and it is just easier to ask her questions then the docs. Weekly visits from here on out. Without further ado, here is the 36 week photo:

(I look as tired as I felt... a big four hours of sleep last evening. Combine that with the night before and I working on 9 hours in a 48 hour period. Sweeeet.)

Bonus cute Matthew photo (well he is cute in my opinion of course ;)

Happy 4th of July to all!!!


AndreAnna said...

You still look great!

LoriD said...

There's definitely a baby in there! My second was born at 37 weeks exactly. Just sayin...

Matthew is adorable!

Anonymous said...

You are SO close! I'm excited...though probably not as excited as you! I think you look great!

Jen said...

You look so cute!

K and J's mom said...

How come everyone looks so cute pregnant? Seriously ! You look FABULOUS!!!