I am back sort of. YES~ I had a baby! She is lovely! She was born at 1:13am August 2nd, 2008. She was 8 lbs 11 oz (I KNOW - much bigger the midwife thought she would be and as big as her big brother was and he was 14 days late - she was only five... can you imagine if we waited???) and 20-1/2 inches in length. She left the hospital at 8 lbs 8 oz and was 8 lbs 4 oz at the check on Monday. She is likely back up to fighting weight judging by her eating schedule. She is beautiful and amazing and I am so grateful to have her here with us. Her official name is Marisa Kaela but she shall hence forth be known as Miss Pancake!
M is adjusting. He has had a few freak outs mostly surrounding my inability to be there for him as usual. He is TOTALLY AMAZING with Miss Pancake. He kisses and hugs her. He gets her toys and the paci (that she WON'T take) and asks about her first thing each morning.
I had a minor sobbing break down this morning because my chest is horribly sore. This is not due to a bad latch - it is just me. I know this will go away and I keep telling myself this but man between the sore chest, the uterus contractations, the pain where they had the stupid IV, and my girlie region hemorriods and all - I am hurting (BUT very happy) gal!
I promise to work on the birth story as I remember it. Molly the doula said she would get us her version next week when she gets back from a work shop she is attending. I will post that too. It is always interesting to read what she writes and what I remember.
Oh can I just say K is the most amazing wonderful loving and kind husband ever. He was amazing in the hospital during the entire birth process. I held his hand this time the WHOLE time and he was awesome. We have been splitting equal time with Miss Pancake in terms of getting as much sleep as possible. It is going well but you know it is only day five I am sure there will be moments.
Some photos for you to enjoy:
Congratulations!!! Hugs to all of you. I can't wait to meet Miss Pancake, she's beautiful. :)
Congrats! She's so cute - I love all the hair! When I hadn't seen a post from you, I knew something was up. So excited for you all!
Congrats to you all again! Hope you are treating yourself well and enjoying this time as tough as it is. Listen to your body and give it what it needs :) Chocolate, ice cream - you still need those calories for nursing ;) Much love to you!
YAY! I can't wait to meet her! Seriously, I'm just going to show up on your porch with dinner sometime if you don't tell me what will be a good night! :-) She is adorable and I'm glad to hear that things are going well. Isn't it so much easier/different the second time around?
Ugh...the uterine contractions. Those were AWFUL after Cam was born. I didn't really remember them being a problem after Lily but they completely blew me away after Cam. OUCH!
BEAUTIFUL! Those are awesome pics. You all look completely enamored...especially M. The whole sibling thing is breathtaking isn't it? I agree with Melissa- I am gonna just going to plan on having dinner for you guys to pick up at "school" on Tuesday when you pick M up. I am just gonna be pushy about it b/c I KNOW that it helps. One less thing for you to do and I promise it will be YUMMY and not too unhealthy :)
Congratulations! She is gorgeous. Great photos!
Congratulations and a big WELCOME to Baby Pancake! She's just lovely.
She is as beautiful as a stack of chocolate chip pancakes smothered in syrup!!!! Congratulations! About the boobs. Oy! I didn't have a comfortable feeding session until Eli was 2.5 mos. old. OMG, I am leaking as we speak. Gotta go. Give M a huge hug from Mac and me!
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