Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This blog cracks me up - this individual basically makes fun of the cost of buying a home in the SF Bay Area. Check it out - it will make you grateful for the cost of living where you live! The market is insane there!

I also looked to see what the townhouses are going for in my old neighborhood in Almaden (San Jose) and I was shocked to learn that since my mother sold the place a few years back for something insane like $425k they are now going for $605k and $699 check out the number of rooms and sq footage! Not to mention that most of the houses in this area going for $600-$1-3 million or more! Craziness!!!

Thought I would share...


jennifer said...

This is from the area of our old house on Hillcrest. and for some reason I thought your old place was brown...faulty memory!

"Public records data or calculated estimates indicate that houses in your area are valued between
$166,500 and $2,400,000 during the last 18 months.*"

Anonymous said...
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Christina Schmidt said...

It was a tan color so a derivation of brown, right!?

Hehe, $166,500 for the lot probably! I am sure you know this but they take houses down as fast they can in the area to rebuild larger and "better" homes.

Also, did I tell you my mom told me they ripped down the old library and put up a new state of the art place. I cannot remember if she told me if it was in the same spot or it had moved but she said the old place is no more :(

jennifer said...

OH NO! I have such fantastic memories of that library! Our house is still there - we drove past last year while taking Matias on a "my childhood" tour. Looks a lot different, they put stones on the front of the house & painted it an almost blue color - I'll see if I can find a picture & post it on my site!

Christina Schmidt said...

I just remember your house having lots of plants and trees around it - I always thought of it as a tree house in my memory.

Okay and the other things I remember about it: the freaky accidents at that corner, being able to see the golf course and your room with the Dirty Dancing poster as well as the kick ass kitchen in that house!

jennifer said...

I remember how CRAZY my parents were to sleep with their balcony doors open! I mean, granted, the breeze must have been fantastic but considering how "safety" concerned my parents are...

Remember the accident where the chick lost her FINGER? And I picked it up? Saved her damn finger though :)