Thursday, August 30, 2007

Gone Shopping...

I am pretty excited for the long weekend. I need it.

We have been dealing with the insanity that is my son's sleep patterns. He is not sleeping well at night, period. This has been ramping up and going on for about two, maybe three weeks. At first it was just a mild tantrum right when we put him down for bed but he could be sung to and would usually go to sleep on his own. Then he started waking up 2-3 times a night and wanted to sleep on the floor. Now it is a full blown drama EVERY single night beginning around 7:30p and going till the wee hours of the morning if we do not (a) let him fall asleep in our arms rocking in his chair, (b) fall asleep on the floor, and/or (c) fall asleep in our bed always with one of us. It is driving me batty. I am cranky and unhappy about this. I mean he is almost 2-1/2 years old. I am so over being sleep deprived... I am tired. Plain and simple. And this tired sucks because there is no rhyme nor reason for it.

Yes, we changed his day care which corresponds with his sleep patterns but I am totally at a loss as to how to get him back on track. And this is seriously a train wreck because it just keeps escalating. I am hoping we can get things back on track before heading to Canada. Okay so that may sound TOTALLY lame but I cannot deal with the in laws when I am tired and irritable.

I am hoping for a low key weekend. I just want to nap A LOT and get some things done around the house (ha, clean our nasty bathroom for one...) Do some gardening and do some planning for the home projects we hoping to get done in the next six months or so. We are planning to put in some closet systems in Matthew's room and the future baby's room at least. I really want to paint a couple of rooms and we are planning to get our carpeting redone. Finally, we need to stain/seal our deck and fence and we are going to do some fall landscaping. LOTS to be done! I want to hit up some sales for some of these items. After all, isn't Labor Day all about sales? Isn't that why they invented this holiday?

There is a local arts festival this weekend as well that I am SO geeked about. I mean I LOVE LOVE LOVE these kinds of things. Growing up in CA in the 80s with my artsy fartsy mother meant attending every Art & Wine festival in the greater Bay Area including my fav in Santa Cruz. I loved them. I adored the feeling of all the other artsy people, I liked looking at the bright colored arts and crafts, the music and sounds, freaky drunks in rainbow colored shorts - come in CA in the 80s! It was just my thing as a kid. Sort of a bright spot in a child hood that was marred by frequent family issues. I am hopefully going with my girlfriend whom I have yet to call... I suck, I know. I also plan to buy some stuff. I totally dig pottery and have one piece I got for Christmas a couple of years ago but I am hoping to add some cool stuff to decorate the homestead with.

As a random aside, I am looking forward to fall. It has been very hot and humid here the whole month of August. I am ready for fall - bring it on, baby. Part of the reason I am looking forward to fall is the clothes! I was just checking out the new arrivals at and they have such cute stuff. Now that the heat seems to be subsiding - you know down from 110 (with the heat index) to 85. Hey, it is relatively cooler, right?!

Another random aside: has anyone had acupuncture done? I am setting up an appt today. This person comes highly recommended so I am looking forward to it. Any thoughts?

All right ladies and gentlemen (of which I think I have NONE), have a lovely three day weekend (I know tomorrow is Friday but I may not get a chance to post tomorrow so...)! Have a beer or lemonade - enjoy a BBQ with your family - and SHOP the sales!

1 comment:

Flibberty said...

I hope you get some rest this weekend! I second your desire for fall! It is by far my most favorite season, and actually one of the reasons I moved back to the midwest. Fall is the best here in the midwest (rhyming very much unintentional)