Matthew has green snot. AND a cough. AGAIN. Back to the doctor we go. I can only hope (and this may sound) odd that third time is a charm and the ped says he has an infection or something so we can shake this yuckiness and get back to having our son act like our son. Will the real Matthew please stand up!? It is such a downer when Matthew is sick because he is just so different. Like those old Tom & Jerry cartoons - it is like Matthew has an angel and devil standing on each shoulder & the devil is waiting for the evil green snot to appear and then the little cartoon devil takes over.
...which leads me to sleeping on the floor. We jumped back in and decided to put Matthew in a toddler bed. He was asking for it, he has suddenly developed all these fears and phobias about sleeping in his room so what the hell, why not? Fears you ask? Well, everything from the dark to the smoke detector. We have literally TRIED everything to get this kid to sleep and NOTHING works. Kevin looked at me dead pan two nights ago and said 'I know, Christina, I wish there was an off button on him." This statement was not meant in malice toward Matthew because Matthew is really THAT tired and we are THAT tired... and frustrated and he is sick to boot. We know he needs to sleep and for fucks sake, it is 10:00p... It has not been fun at night in the ole Schmidt Family Robinson.
He does seem happier about his bed in some ways and he will sleep in it but he is a mover & a shaker in bed and likes to fall out. regularly. Short fall, carpeted soft floor but still... So we bought the dreaded rail. It is all right. A little bulky and hard for the little guy to clamber over but they are doing the trick that is if we can actually get him in bed to sleep...
I will give Matthew this... we did recently change day care situations - I have likened the move in my head to me coming to your house, putting a blind fold on you and taking you to a place you do not know and saying 'here, this is where you will live from now on, figure it out." He loves Kelly's house (don't get me wrong Kelly - he does love it and talks about it A LOT, in a good way.) But he still talks about BDLC. We were not sure how to approach this at first. For awhile we did not talk about it but now we do. He mentioned that he was reading like he used to do in Center court the other day and we asked if he missed that. He nodded. We messed with his world, so now he's messin' with ours (I keed, I keed!)
We are also deep in the 20 and about to score a touch down (fingers crossed) with potty training. ANOTHER gianormous change for any kiddo. I am so happy about this. He is great at going potty and recently at home he has actually been going by himself. GAWD, I hope I am not jinxing this!
Let's review: changing day care, potty training AND toddler bed PLUS being sick EQUALS Kevin and Christina sleeping on the floor. Since he was small and he had his 1st colds, he has this strange obsession with sleeping on the floor. Is it cooler? Does it suck so much on the floor that it makes his cold seem like nothing to him? Is he secretly a floor sleeping Buddhist monk? Does he like the view from down there more? WHO KNOWS...
We are dealing. We have a doctor's appt tomorrow and I may address some of these issues both obvious - the green snot and not so obvious - sleeping at night, smoke detector issues, etc. Hopefully the ped can give me some insight into these issues and at the very least make me feel like less of an idiot... ah, that may be hard. Parenting is as Brad Pitt said so eloquently the other day "It's the most fun I've ever had and also the biggest pain in the ass I've ever experienced," Pitt told a news conference today when asked what it was like to become a family with four children in a short space of time. "I love it and can't recommend it any more highly - although sleep is nonexistent." I just like keeping company with Mr. Pitt ;)
Oh, I pray the day never comes when I have to sleep on the floor. Ugg, I HATE sleeping on the floor. Hope it gets better soon.
I hate sleeping on the floor as well. I feel very very very old when I wake up. Plus, I had the largest bug bite (spider I suspect) on my arm and Matthew had one on his leg so yuck to that.
All around this is a boo-hiss thing. Oh well, I am sure one day I will long for the days of sleeping on the floor with my baby, right?
The silence is deafening!
Aww poor little Matthew- I hope he is feeling better soon! Not only for his sake but for yours too! :)
Thanks Jen!!! I hope so too. Dr. said he is fine other then green snot but put him on antibiotics... I am beginning to suspect allergies more and more which I have been in denial about because allergies STINK!
Does he have his two year molars already? Could he be teething? I'm such a fan on blaming all this little twerp-ish behavior on teeth!
Nope, no more teethies... Just Matthew being Matthew now a days! Kevin seemed to be a fan that as well until I told him that the last molar came in after he blamed multiple sleepness nights in a row on it! LOL!
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