Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What is a person to do?

OR why I watch too much shitty TV? Or why am bothering to pay Weight Watchers a crap load of money to get fatter?

I could not decide what to watch last night: Big Brother or Biggest Loser. I was left going back and forth between the two - I had serious remote finger!

I now know that Lezlye (weirdest most horrible spelling of that name I have ever seen - lye, isn't that a nasty smelling soap? And well my 12 year old mind set in on Lez but whatever...) was voted out from the Red Team. Also, the black team is a new twist and WTH is up with Ali Sweeney as the hostess? I mean did she loss her gig on Days? Or did she just have too much time on her hands? Hmm probably not according to this... Kevin said she looks like the old hostess only younger and thinner...

And Dick won Big Brother. I just want to know if Daniele and Nick hooked up after? Is that bad? Or what is worse - that I know who Daniele and Nick are and what their relationship is like to even consider whether they might hook up...

Yeah so then I watched LA Ink. The last time I read a book it was Harry Potter (can you hear the brain cells exploding?!) I cannot seem to finish any of the ten books I have started that would actually provide me with some intellectual stimulation. Hell, I cannot even make my way through the latest copy of Parenting magazine. Halloween will have come and gone by that time.

Oddly enough it does not hurt - it, you ask? The IT I am referring to is my brain. Why is that when we lose brain cells, that does not hurt? But when I try to exercise... okay let's be honest here - when I walk too much, does it hurt so badly??? Also, why when I am trying to lose weight do all food items that are decidedly unhealthy seem really tasty? And I cannot stop myself from eating them thus gaining more weight than before I started trying to lose weight. See also NOT exercising at all...

I have to say that there will be no transition to this next topic - how many people do I know who are having BOY babies? That would be SIX people. All have had the ultra sound that says so. I am really excited by this since when we had Matthew we felt like the only people on earth with a baby boy. I know, I know it is not true because now there are WAY more boys than girls that we know but still. This may not bode well for me and my desire to have baby girl that I can shower in pink frou frou-ness that I SO long and desire for! Eh, well.

SO here is a big shout out (is that even cool to do anymore????!) and big HIP HIP HOORAY for my friend, Jen from Detroit - she just found out she is going to be a mommy to a baby boy. Rude Cactus and So the Fish Said just found out they are having a little boy and their daughter, Mia, has named her future brother Banana Froggie (okay that is just cute!) Due any day (as in her due date is TODAY) is my friend, Christine, and she is having a little boy who I believe will be named Logan Robert. Also, due shortly with BOYS are A Piece of Cake and the Myers. I cannot wait to find out what Sundry is having - she has a little boy already so we shall see whether Kelly's theory is true - everyone is having an opposite of their first! This is a test of that theory!

Babies babies every where - what is a person to do??? (evil laughter - made you think didn't I?!)

OH BTW, A summary of our trip ended up being posted after the In Short... I started writing before the In Short one but did not have time to finish so I saved it in edit... WHY am I explaining this to you?! Ah, just read it if you like!


Tess said...

Dude, I just read a book that says tv makes us SMARTER, not DUMBER. I did a post about it. You may have commented now that I think of it, I don't remember! AHH lost brain cells!

Anyway, SCORE for us tv addicts!

Christina Schmidt said...

Hmm, I think I remember that but I might have been on vacation and did not fully comprehend the post. I will need to go back and re-read it. Or, OR, I am losing brain cells that quickly I just FORGOT I read anything!?

BUT seriously, see at least you read a book - okay so the book told you that watching TV is making us smarter but still...

Jen said...

Hooray! Thanks for the shout-out! :) We are excited about our little boy! You are right, there are seem to be a lot of pregnant moms with little boys. Maybe once you get preggers you will be part of the 'wave' of little girls being born! ;)