Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Shots, Gas, and Girls

Ah, I like to confuse and thrill my few readers with tricky titles that are not nearly as enthralling as the title would lead someone to believe. I have lots of random thoughts that I would like to share today so here it goes - also, a PS before the end of the post - is that possible? Hmm, well here on this blog it is: I cannot be held accountable for what I write since they are really only half formed thoughts. Happy reading!

1st: We, being Kevin & I, but not Matthew, had our flu shots at the local ghetto Kroger last evening. Seems the Pharmacist is on crack because he told Kevin "sure bring your son on over- they can give him his flu shot" meanwhile back at the ranch the nurse and her lovely assistant said "nope, we cannot give shots to kids NINE and under..." Ah well we got to spend a couple of extra hours with Matthew so no matter. Really the reason I mention this has to do with the absurd pain I am in today. Holy crap! That stupid flu shot is making the whole left side of my body ache... okay not really... just my left shoulder but it is much more dramatic to say left side of my body and I would not be one to run away from a dramatic moment! Also, just as the nurse stuck me she said "jeez these needles are awfully dull" AND thunk into my arm it went like a flippin' bullet to the shoulder... thanks. And that health moment brought to you by "Why you should NOT go to a ghetto Kroger to get a flu shot..."

2nd: I voted. 'Nuff said. I was not going to for you see I have not changed my address with the voting people but it turns out they did not know I moved and my photo id still states that I live at my previous addy so they let me vote in District 7 or is it 15... either way I got to vote... Goody for me, right?!

3rd: Has anyone seen the obscene price for a gallon of gas? I mean really... I am glad we only drive one car for the most part these days... Check this little chart out! Here in B-town it is something like 3.09 a gallon. WTF! Mostly I write about this because I mentioned to Kevin that I hate that the costs of gas are going up right before the holidays and the cold weather because the costs of heating our home will be very high and the cost of virtually everything from our milk to the gifts we buy for Christmas may be effected by this. Most of the reports I have heard or read said this might be the price we can except to see for a long time. Look, oil is currently something like $90 a barrel & has been for some time... and I guess something had to give eventually but still... UGH.

4th: A friend sent me this article about boys and their status in the world (or certain populations); that perhaps boys are some sort of endangered species based to some degree or another perhaps on pollution. I thought it was interesting and I wanted to share. This stuff fascinates me to no end!

And at long last you have come to the end (glad, aren't you!?) I do want to do a holiday post because I am so excited for Christmas this year - so excited that I can barely breath but I am also behind BEHIND people on my shopping. Sometime, months ago on this very blog (AND yes, too lazy to go find the post) I promised this was not the place I was going to be but I am ... DAMMIT! Ugh, tomorrow I will write about my holiday issues... till then, farewell...

OH you SO thought you were done with me but did anyone else watch this horrific show that I am slightly obsessed with? These people, OMG!


Tess said...

I've seen that Real Housewives show before but not the new season. It is truly horrifying.

Christina Schmidt said...

yes the woman with the freakishly injected lips, eek! It is worth it for the train wreckedness of it!

LoriD said...

How can you be behind on holiday shopping at the beginning of November? Do you have a lot of people to buy for? Do you do Christmas early? Man, I feel like a slacker now!

Christina Schmidt said...

Hehe, I had this WHOLE plan in place back in July that I was going to be DONE with holiday shopping by now.

And to answer your question, I do not have a lot of people to shop BUT I have a lot of DIFFICULT people to shop for.

Hence the reason I feel behind - also, I am queen of slackerdom/procrastination which generally just makes me feel like crap...

YOU are not a slacker! I am just trying out this whole being more efficient thing - it seems to be working against me since I am now stressed out TWO months in advance rather than just TWO weeks in advance! SIGH.

Kelly said...

OMG, I can't believe you watch that show, too! I am so obsessed with it. In fact, some days the reruns are my secret nap-time relaxation! ;)

Christina Schmidt said...

Well, then we can chat about it! Yeah for us! I am glad someone else is willing to admit to enjoying it ;)

I was SO excited when I saw they were having a season 3 because I thought perhaps they were not going to do any more seasons (heaven forbid!) Then I thought 'come on... it is LA-LA land. if not this bunch than surely another bunch of blond buxom women would be ready to let us in on their lives, right?!' Kevin is SO unimpressed - yet oddly he still watches it with me. Now that is LOVE! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I've been stockpiling boys!

Should have also stockpiled gasoline when it was $2.29.

Christina Schmidt said...

Swistle: No shit about the gas! I remember when I was living in Northern IN and gas was UNDER a dollar... I wish I had taken advantage more often back then!

jennifer said...

I just filled up this morning & it was $2.99!! $30 to fill up my Jetta! I hate this shit!!!

Christina Schmidt said...

Jennifer: Totally sucks! I agree. It is like $50 to fill up the Camry which does not happen that often but still... $50! My goodness.