Saturday, November 3, 2007

Thought I Would Not Make It...

but I did! YAHOO! First weekend obstacle surpassed. And with a glass of wine in hand which makes it so much better. Matthew's asleep and the night is young (which mostly means I can write here, read all the blogs I love and get upstairs with enough time to read the excellent mystery novel I checked out from the library a couple of weeks ago - it is an import from Ireland by a guy named Sansom - I like it but I doubt it will get many Amazon reviews since it is an import after all...)

I digress. I went to my 2nd venture in acupuncture. I have to tell you - I highly HIGHLY recommend it. The person I am going to, Judy, is awesome. I never thought I would try acupuncture. I liked the idea but just did not feel it would help my physical pain that I was experiencing with high frequency to the point of pain all over my body. I have not been nice to my body over the years from swimming to partying like a rock star in college to sitting at computer at a desk 40 hours a week for the past 10 yrs... UGH. It is amazing. Judy is great at explaining what she is doing and the time at acupuncture has given me the time I need to relax, breath deeply and I have felt astoundingly amazing after the 1st and now the 2nd session. Judy said only one more time and I should be good to go! That part amazes me. I worked out a several times this week including a run on the treadmill and nothing. No pain (aside from being sore...), nothing. If this is all I needed all this time, I will kick my own ass!

SO basically I walk in and Judy chatted with me for about a 1/2 hour. She listened closely and asked many questions. She was interested in my history and OMG seriously can you remember the last time a real physician listened to you seriously?! Our Midwife, Liz, is the only western trained medical person who has done that and I knew she was really listening to me because she actually could repeat what I said the next time I saw her. Then we went into the room and she had me lay face down. She pricked me all over with the tiny little "needles". Now if you are fearful of needles this is nothing like a needle prick. There is no sensation when they go in. The part that kicks ass is when they are in. You feel like there is deepness around the needle and then a release and you become amazingly calm. She also puts this infrared heat lamp on you and OH yeah I want one of those to warm me all winter long! Then she flips you over and does some more acupuncture plus some stretching and massage. Two hours later I am a new woman! Ready to attack the world and that 10 lbs left to lose!

If you have not tried acupuncture and you are unsure, the costs seem to be fairly minimal though it is not covered by insurance. I paid $75 the time and $55 for additional visits (Kelly, I told you I did not think there was additional costs but there is... Sorry for the confusion!) I would go to someone that has been recommended and be sure they have all their licensure and training either posted on their wall or ask them about it. BUT do it! Love it... Off to read my book now! Cheers to all!


K and J's mom said...

That sounds very cool! I have heard very good things about acupuncture from the few people I know that have done it. So glad it is helping you!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds relaxing! I've never tried it and, in fact, I've only ever had one massage. Lame, I know! I really need to start treating myself more!

Christina Schmidt said...

Totally do the massage thing or the hot rocks ohhh LOVED that. Never did much of the massage thing till I hit my late 20s (like 29, ha!) But I love it and am totally sold on it! I would recommend massage and acupuncture to almost anyone!