Not to be a tease or anything but we have finally come to a consensus on THE name for Princess Pancake. No, it is not Pancake.
And when I say 'we', I mean all three of us... well, I would say five because we even asked Santana and Lucy but you know they just have this sweet blank brown eyed stare however they did turn their little terrier heads to the side when we spoke with them so maybe that was a 'yes' from the dogs too?!
Matthew picked the name really. We gave him a choice of two that we liked and he picked this name.
When I say I am not trying to be a tease that means the name will be the ONE surprise about this baby. With Matthew, we left everyone in the dark from the name to the sex (including ourselves on the gender thing!)
I suppose part of the reason I do not want to tell the name has to do with the last time I shared names I had some negative feedback and I just want to avoid that entirely.
We like the name and that is really what is important, not that is overtly unusual or that ranks high or low in the Top 500 on the Social security list (it is in the Top 500... does that narrow it down for you???) and so forth... I am glad to have made a decision and if you ask Matthew he has no idea because we only asked him once and have not mentioned it since so he is fairly in the dark besides making the ultimate decision about a week ago.
The other reason I am holding back on sharing the name has to do with the fact I feel any name is subject to change (I am fickle like that ;) While Kevin denies this, we decided Matthew's name was going to be Ethan until about six weeks before he was born which would be about the time that I received the above mentioned negative feedback -- THAT SCARRED ME FOR LIFE --- er I mean when I freaked the f*** right out (seriously do not give negative feedback on potential baby names unless someone specifically asks you to do this and also not to a pregnant women in her 3rd trimester!)
So as we drove back from Indy back in 2005 from a trip to buy some much needed baby gear we decided on Matthew's name. That it would be Matthew and that he would have two middle names being his two grandpa's names. Randomly. In a fit of 'OMG our child shall be call Bull Schmidt the rest of his life' (sort of like Pancake only BULL SCHMIDT??!!? I mean come on that is JUST bad. It would totally land him in the Worst Names Ever book which by the way have you seen that book?? I have and it is sort of disturbing...)Also, I knew a girl named Cherry Pepsi and twin boys named Sunshine and Rainbow (this was NOT in California...)
I take this naming thing seriously. Names are important. They tell people who you are, a bit about yourself. I have been obsessed with names since I can remember, even as a kid. I liked to look up the origins of names and see how they could be spelled differently.
I went through a phase when I thought my name should be spelled with a 'Y' instead of an 'I' as in Chrystyna. Why? Because that is how the girl on Head of the Class spelled it. And I so wanted long red curly hair like her & to be THAT smart AND pretty. I am glad now that I am just Christina with regular old 'I's - I like my name and that is what is important! I hope this little girl grows up to like her name as much as I like mine!
Oh yay!
Congrats on finding a name! With my first two I told the names (we didn't find out the babys' genders until they were born, so we had 2 names each time), but my mom made a comment on the girl name the second time, leading us to keep the names a secret for the third baby.
Lorid~ Kooky how that works! I mean really I know it is a well meaning thing but leave a yucky taste or a sting, something... not that I am that soft skinned but come on I am driving on the HORMONES from hell!
We are SO excited to have a name picked - it is better then having the room finished or thinking you have everything you need before the baby arrives!
Congrats on picking out the name! Can't wait to hear what it is (did you leave us a clue in the title? It's Rose, isn't it? HA HA).
p & d: I actually thought of that when I wrote the title... I wondered if everyone would think this child's name would be rose or something flower like but no, nothing like that. I would likely have to do something really strange to find a reference to this name...
Just think only 9 (???) more week(ish) till all will know. Such a tease, eh?!
I have to tell you this is going to kill me. I don't think we would, but I have this wierd fear that we'll wnd up picking the same name. Yikes!
Glad you guys made your decision. ;)
OMG Kelly do you really think that would happen??? However I have to admit it has crossed my mind but then I think there is NO way, is there!??!? ACK. I may have to drop a hint or two to you so we can be sure ;)
Glad you decided...can't wait to meet her and find out her pretty little name! (Had a great time with your boy over here this morning! Thanks for letting him come!)
Well, let me just say that I don't like anything too traditional or "common." Don't know if that would tell you whether or not the chance is there, though. ;)
I stumbled over here from another blog and wanted to say...
congrats on the upcoming birth of your girl!
It does cause trauma! I had some old man tell me my newborn baby boy's name was STUPID. Yes, I'm serious. He made me cry right there in the mall.
Smart strategy... I made the mistake of sharing what I thought I wanted my first kids name to be with the family, and they piled on to it. "Oh, I know a so-and-so, and she was a total snob," or whatever. wait til everyone meets the baby and then whateve name will be perfect.
I am all with you for not sharing and for some reason I think its all freaky when people start calling a baby its name all the time before its born - I have no idea why I find it sooo freaky but it do (no offense to people who do this I dont mean for that to be taken negatively) - anyway - I used to LOVE Head of the Class!!!
Keeping the name a secret is a good idea. Nobody can tell you they dislike the name when it's attached to a sweet little baby! :)
I'm sure whatever you have chosen will be beautiful. :)
Hey Kelly, this name is spelled differently so it actually puts it out of the Top 500. However, the other spelling puts it closer to the top 200... It is unusual to some degree but not totally unusual if that makes sense.
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