Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kiddie Recipe That Rocks!!!

SO I bought a Parent magazine for the first time since banning them toward the end of my pregnancy. My fears have abaited (something about using Retin A for a period of time before discovering I was pregnant the 2nd time even though it was the lowest dose available & the doc told me I would need bathe in it for it to do harm to a fetus... You just never want to read an article about how horrible Retin A is for your unborn fetus and OMG BAD MOMMY GAH PARENTAL GUILT ALREADY...) Gee so there was that. Any who, there was a advertisement for Eggo waffles. I do not buy Eggos but rather some whole grain organic equivilent but this recipe was too good to not steal, I mean try...

Put the frozen waffle in the toaster and toast.
Take it out and spread with jam (we eat sugar free local jam - Dillman's go LOCAL and also once you get used to the non sweet sweetness of sugar free jam you will never go back, maybe...)
Cut up bananas slices and place on top of jam.
(How's that for an easy, sneaky semi healthy AM meal?!)

Cut into four "slices" and tell your child that it is Banaroni Pizzas. My suddenly VERY picky eater of a child ate the whole thing and even licked his fingers afterward!


Mandy said...

I will try that with my picky eater, even though I have banned Parents Magazine as well ...

Anonymous said...

Jason tried to get Lily to eat this for breakfast today. she resisted at first but agreed when she found out it was M's favorite breakfast!

Pickles and Dimes said...

I just saw a kid's recipe for smearing peanut butter into a tortilla and then topping it with chopped bananas and I thought, "Kid's recipe? I call that Monday morning's breakfast for ME."