Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The NEXT "Great One"*?

M spontaneously asked K to play hockey the other day and it has become a favorite activity with Daddy. It is too cute and he totally does this goalie pose that I could not capture but trust me it is both humorous and would do his Uncle Jamie's heart proud (Uncle Jamie is K's friend from hockey who if this could not be more obvious but was a goalie - crazy man WANTED to be a goalie... we are NOT encouraging M to be a goalie - it just seems painful judging by the bruises and aches Jamie endured/endures to this day!)

BONUS Miss Pancake shot - Is she communing with the dolphins OR just giving Mommy some hand's free time? A little of both ;)

* For you non hockey people, The Great One refers to #99, Wayne Gretzky - WHO DOESN'T KNOW THIS, RIGHT?! Also, too bad M is signed up for Soccer this fall and NOT hockey...


LoriD said...

I love watching the little guys playing hockey. Around here, kids can start hockey at age 3. They basically learn to skate and play hockey at the same time. Bart played floor hockey last year and loved it; he'll play again this year. At 5 years old, I'm still not ready to start him in ice hockey - early mornings in a cold arena? No thanks! Good call on the soccer!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I'm sure that K is BESIDE himself happy that M is showing an interest in hockey!

Kelly said...

Too cute! We're actually thinking about signing G up for skating this winter. May be something to get M started with his future career. ;)

K and J's mom said...

what a great hockey player! I'm sure K just "hates" having to go out and play hockey with his boy. ha ha. Here's hoping he opts to NOT be a goalie too!

el-e-e said...

My husband would SO like our son to play hockey. But AJ's so tiny (5-10th percentile)! He has 2 hockey sticks and just doesn't really play with them at all. I'm thinking tae kwon do is a better bet (Ninja Turtles). Heh.