Friday, August 10, 2007

It's the weekend!

Yeah for us! I love the weekend. Mostly because I get to spend 48 uninterrupted hours with Matthew and Kevin!

Weekend plans include:
  • A picnic party this evening at one of my co-workers who lives in the posh section of town and has a home that I only dream of having (yeah because we would so need to change jobs - she was lawyer for a high end firm for almost 20 years and her hubby is a prof with tenure in the business dept) - I mean come on it has a turret and a pond in the backyard - who wouldn't want this house!?
  • I have my 1st weigh-in at WW. Hip hip hooray. NOT so much. I doubt I have lost weight. I have been a good little point keeper and not ONE dessert (that ought to read ICE CREAM) has passed my lips but not one day of working out has occurred either. Plans to start that next week are in play. I think that will be the kicker - working out and eating right - what a terribly novel thought!
  • The farmer's market just because and I want more corn from the that little booth with the nice lady (screw the long line - that corn was not as great everyone told us it would be so for us it is not worth the wait!)
  • I need to clean clean clean the house. Our bathrooms are shameful. Still no house cleaner... Cannot decide who to go with and still not sure how comfortable I feel letting a stranger in my home to clean... UGH. Getting over it, slowly.
  • Go shopping. I just want to. I need to. I have no idea what for but I feel the urge to do this again and again and again... Oh but I do want to get Matthew a baby doll. That is high on my priority list - ah that mean Tarrrrrrrrrrget... said in a dreamy way!
  • Call my Daddy because he is freaking 66 years old today. Holy crap - yeah I about pooped in my pants when I did the math today. It seems impossibly old for my dad! Happy Birthday!
  • Maybe go for a bike ride depending on this oppressive heat, maybe a walk... something to get the above planned workouts started.
  • Groceries - oh how I hate thee but need thee to sustain my family from eating out every day of the week...
  • Go to and get a few more photos printed for Matthew's construction themed room that seems to be taking me FOREVER to put together. By the time it is done he will have moved on to other things...
  • Finish reading that Cooking Light magazine before the next one comes and maybe, heaven forbid, finish reading that book I have been reading for what seems like a year so I can start to tackle the pile beside my bed which is threatening to topple on my head as I sleep at night...
  • Certainly and most definitely not the last thing on my list, but I wanted to save the best for last, snuggle, cuddle, and play with Matthew. He is loving that pool right now - he likes it best when I actually jump in and get wet with him. He finds it particularly amusing when he gets me sopping wet while fully clothed (yeah because I am SO not putting on bathing suit... hahahahaha...)
What are you doing this weekend? Hopefully you can escape the heat and enjoy your weekend!


Tess said...

I haven't read my Cooking Light yet either. I always think of it as a huge project, but it's really not, since I skip right past all the "health and fitness advice"

Christina Schmidt said...

Ha! I like the health/fitness section when I am trying to get in shape which is usually never so I probably read that about as well as you do!

They do have good recipes though so it is sort of a project because if I see something I really like I tear it out and try it right away.

I actually use magazines to avoid that stack of books... PATHETIC!